Thursday, March 31, 2011

Everyone gets a chance to be an angel; some just take the opportunity more than others …

The simple’s act of kindness to anther can be an angelic act.  Never, ever underestimate the power of a single good deed. Everyone gets a chance to be an angel; some just take the opportunity more than others …
…danny dummitt

God really doesn’t mind if you take credit for your own accomplishments…

There was a time that when I had an accomplishment great or small, that I would try and remember to thank something outside of myself called God. See I thought everything good I did is because of God and his help and everything bad I did, well, that was the devil he helped me do all that bad stuff.   Over time I realized that I, not God not a devil, But myself, that was making decisions and choices in my life and every single one of those decisions had a result, a outcome.  When the outcome was disappointing, well I needed to take responsibility. Well guess what when the outcome it Good, is exciting, then I take credit for that also!!!  I think God has a universe of things to take credit for any way, I am sure he doesn’t care one bit if I and you take some credit for our own accomplishments
God really doesn’t mind if you take credit for your own accomplishments…
…danny dummitt

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How could a perfect God create anything less than perfection? ..... In this realization you will realize your own perfection…

The simple truth that a perfect God cannot create anything that is not perfect proves that you are perfect, and God only sees you that way!!!
How could a perfect God create anything less than perfection?
In this realization you will realize your own perfection…
…danny dummitt

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"already seen"

Déjà vu (French pronunciation: [deʒa vy]  ( listen), meaning "already seen") is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined. The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques ("The Future of Psychic Sciences"), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness," "strangeness," "weirdness," or what Sigmund Freud calls "the uncanny." The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience has genuinely happened in the past.[1]
The experience of déjà vu seems to be quite common among adults and children alike. References to the experience of déjà vu are found in literature of the past,[2] indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to invoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies. Certain researchers claim to have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis.[3]

Regardless of what your watch says, there is only one time NOW…

Almost all of our thoughts are contemplating what we are going to do in the future, or thinking about something in the past. Almost none of our thoughts are in the present moment. Yet those thought, those realizations in the NOW are truly the only ones there ever are.  Right NOW you are in the NOW, because I have you reading this, and for that space of time in reality you were not pre occupied, or at least some were not with the past or future. That’s a sample of the now. Just being in the here.  Fear can keep you out of the Now, because you don’t dream when you’re in fear you dread. See when you dream, you dream in the now, you may fantasize about the future, but you always dream in the now.

You look at a watch to see how much time you have before you have to go someplace, or how long perhaps you have been waiting. But in truth the time is still now. Knowing that the time is always NOW that’s the time you have to live.  You can learn to live in the Now…why live in the Now??  Because fear always lives in an uncertain future…but you can live in a certain Now!!!! 

Regardless of what your watch says, there is only one time NOW…

…danny dummitt  

I believe in the mystical Jesus not the mythical Jesus …

I believe in the mystical Jesus not the mythical Jesus …
...danny dummitt 

GRACE is also known as the great karmic cleanser

Grace says God does not hold your past against you. Grace says in fact you do not always reap what you sow. 
GRACE is also known as the great karmic cleanser
…danny dummitt

Monday, March 28, 2011

God only sees you as God!!

You are the image, the likeness the portrait of all that is divine…
It is so much easier to accept yourself as somehow less, God will let you see yourself however you like, but he only sees you one way! 
God only sees you as God!!
…danny dummitt

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The bible is the inspired word of man about God…

The bible is the inspired word of Man about God…

I take the scriptures very seriously, I just don’t take them very literally …

The bible is full of perceived errors and contradiction, and it will be forever if you take it literally…here are some errors 
This is a collection of contradictions that are present within the book of Genesis.
1:11-12, 26-27 Trees were created before man was created.
2:4-9 Man was created before trees were created.
1:20-21, 26-27 Birds were created before man was created.
2:7, 19 Man was created before birds were created.
1:26-27 Man and woman were created at the same time.
2:7, 21-22 Man was created first, woman sometime later.
1:31 God was pleased with his creation.
6:5-6 God was not pleased with his creation.
1:3-5 On the first day, God created light, then separated light and darkness.
1:14-19 The sun (which separates night and day) wasn’t created until the fourth day.
2:17 Adam was to die the very day that he ate the forbidden fruit.
5:5 Adam lived 930 years.

I take the scriptures very seriously,  I just don’t take them very literally …
…danny dummitt

Perfection is not a destination but a journey.

First perfect by nature is a myth. For nothing is perfect for everyone.  So nothing is universally perfect. What is totally unacceptable for someone might be totally perfect for another.  So true perfection is a view subject to the one interpreting what perfect is.  Trying to become perfect really means just trying to improve something in our life experience.  God sees you already perfect, but you will never see yourself totally perfect. I am sorry but you won’t, because in this dream of life …
Perfection is not a destination but a journey.
..danny dummitt 

People sometimes take issue with calling God “him”….wonder why they don’t take issue with calling the devil “him”…

Sometimes people say “mother father” God when they are praying. Some people always refer to God as Him, while others always say Her… In truth God has so sex (God has no sex? Makes you glad for your human side doesn’t it!)  While God has no sex, Angels also don’t.  On a funny note… People sometimes take issue with calling God “him”….wonder why they don’t take issue with calling the devil “him”…
…danny dummitt

Maybe if the devil became president people would stop giving him credit for everything…

The two entities we tend to blame for all our problems is the Devil and the Government. When in fact one doesn’t exist and the other does so little they might as well not exist.  People never give the president of either party in credit for the most part. I was thinking well we give the devil credit for so much, if he became president for example we would stop giving him credit and maybe take it ourselves. For in truth we know who creates our heaven and out hell…

Maybe if the devil became president people would stop giving him credit for everything…
danny dummitt 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

God’s grace is amazing because you are…

become drunk on the wine of forgiveness

Forgiving yourself and forgiving others is such a grand feeling, such a high; it can be truly inebriating at times.  It can make you sing like you are drunk, see things totally different like you are drunk, chase your cares away like when your drunk. I mean really it is intonating! Why not just let you hair down right now and become drunk on the wine of forgiveness…beside is it legal to forgive and drive!!!!
…danny dummitt

Your ship will be free to sail when you … Escape the anchor of tradition..

From the smallest of boats to the largest of ship, none can take sail and start there journey, there intended voyage until they first lift anchor. Look at yourself and ask what anchors are holding me back from where I want to be. Could they be the anchor of traditions? From religion, family or from society? Escape those anchors and let your ship sail when and to where you desire. Remember you’re the skipper, the captain of your own ship of life… 
Your ship will be free to sail when you …
Escape the anchor of tradition..
…danny dummitt

Friday, March 25, 2011

the myth of salvation, is that you were never lost, you have never been separate from Love…

Salvation is none existent because there in nothing to be saved from.  People standing in a desert don’t need saved from drowning in the ocean.  There is no hell in the afterlife to be saved from.  The only “real salvation from Hell” Is the realization that you are already perfect in Gods eyes, and the “living hell” you live in as part of your life’s experience and can be changed to a state of Heaven at any time.  This life is the valley of the shadow of death, but fear no evil for you are never separate from love...there is nothing to be saved from except …the myth of salvation, is that you were never lost, you have never been separate from Love…
…danny dummitt

Don’t ever underestimate yourself…God doesn’t

God only sees your possibilities. For that’s what divine energy is, never ending, forever expanding possibilities. Humans have a tendency to sell them self’s short. They underestimate themselves endlessly. If you could see yourself as God sees you, you would never underestimate yourself again...

Don’t ever underestimate yourself…God doesn't … danny dummitt 

God is without condition…

Definition of CONDITION -  a premise upon which the fulfillment of an agreement depends, it’s a stipulation.  People might tell you a million ways, a million stipulations and conditions to get to God, there all meaningless. For God is without stipulation, there is nothing you can do to get God to accept you, because he has never rejected you in the first place

God is without condition…

…danny dummitt

All untruth spring from one untruth….separation…

There truly is only one untruth in this reality. That is the belief we are separate from God and from each other.  That belief creates fear and all negative believes that can be traced back to that one emotion, that one perception called fear.. There truly is only two emotions in this reality, love and fear.  Love tells you that you are one with God; Fear tells you that you are separate from God.  Fear lies to you, and makes you believe the only real untruth and from that untruth all other untruth spring…
All untruth spring from one untruth….separation…
…danny dummitt 

All you ever really need to learn in life can be taught to you by a child and his dog...

One of the greatest examples of unconditional love is between a child and a pet. They live in the moment of NOW; they find endless joy in the simplest of things.  They have not learned yet how to be unhappy, all they know is happiness and joy.  Feeling depressed? Spend a day at your local Dog park, and see for yourself if the energy of that love,  that magic doesn’t lift you higher, and remind you that..
  All you ever really need to learn in life can be taught to you by a child and his dog...
...danny dummitt

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day….there is some truth in all religious paths..

I have studied, observed and participated in endless religious traditions in my life. Each one relived truths to me that I carry to this day.  Sure I found many things about many of them I disagreed with, many things did not resonant with me spiritually. Yet when I looked for the truths, I found them. I remembered what someone told me once; they said any one can be right at times, why even a stopped clock is right two times a day.    Look for the truths in other peoples believes , you will find, even if most of what they believe you don’t, you will find some truth, some enlightenment in their view of reality.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day….there is some truth in all religious paths..
…danny dummitt

Don’t follow roads create them….

A road always means someone else, in fact many some one else’s have already went that way. A path shows you’re not the first to go there. Someone else has been there, done that and got the t-shirt.  We follow roads built by others not only physically, but emotionally and well as spiritually, and in all areas of our life. We follow another’s road to God, another’s Road to happiness, many times to only find it dead ends before we have arrived at the destination.  Because it was another road, perhaps we may never arrive

I was to suggest to you, to try it differently, be your own spiritual and emotional pioneer and create your own roads in life, for truly at the end of your own road you will find your own destination. Don’t follow roads create them….
…danny dummitt 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Energize yourself with like-minded people and spread that energy to the world…

I have always noticed, that when someone brings home a new baby, even if I don’t know the people or the baby that well, that I get all enthusiastic like all the rest do. I have been to funerals with friends of people that I really didn’t know, but felt really sad when I left, because everyone else there was very said.  I have been to sporting events, where I did not care who was playing, but got all excited for the team who’s fans I was setting with.  I am sure you also have experienced very similar situations in your life.  The  people around you energize you, BUT some times that energy might not be the energy you always want.  SO surround yourself with likeminded people. With people you want to be like. People you are  glad to call your friends. The more you surround yourself and get that great type of energy from others, and become super energized yourself, you then will energize other people around you and help make the world you live in a much more positive energized place!
Energize yourself with like-minded people and spread that energy to the world…
…danny dummitt

Pastor loses job after doubting hell's existence - US news - Life -

Pastor loses job after doubting hell's existence - US news - Life - "Rob Bell"

Most people will pay for a ticket out of hell but won’t take a free trip to heaven…
…danny dummitt

Dream and know all your dreams are possibilities….

Everything in existence at one time was only a dream in some ones imagination…see dreams don’t really come from the heart, they come from the very essence of man his imagination, that’s where creativity is found, that’s where divinity is found, in your own wonderful imagination! Every dream is a possibility, just like every apple seed is a apple tree…as long as it is simply given the proper conditions in which to grow!!!
Dream of what you want to manifest in your life, see yourself doing it and go to sleep each night in the assumption it is so, and it time,it will be so , for you are the essence of endless  possibility!
Dream and know all your dreams are possibilities….
…..danny dummitt

Assumptions are always based on reflections…

Assumptions are always based on reflections…

When you assume you make an ass out of u and me, thats ASSuME . My Uncle Rodney showed me that when I was about 18 years old and was trying to sell insurance.  When you assume what the other person might think or buy or need, you will find you are almost always incorrect in at least part of your assumption.. What we assume others will do is a reflection of what we might do if we were them or what we think they might do based on watching them or other peoples actions.  The assumption is always a reflection of our thoughts.  I say a reflection because if we knew it for a fact, it would not be an assumption now would it? But the reflection of our thought, what we think we “might see in our thoughts”, the reflection of our thoughts is where the “world  of assumption lives”.

Assumptions are always based on reflections…danny dummitt 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Most people will pay for a ticket out of hell but won’t take a free trip to heaven…

I was setting in a park in Vancouver meditating  one day, and realized that we all go back to love when we die, and this life is the only hell we will truly know. It was a realization that came to me after many years of trying to do things in this life to buy or earn my way out of hell when I died.  Then I realized that I had no debt to pay, no work to perform. Nothing to be saved from, I was not lost, and did not need to be found. When I realized this for myself, I also realized it was true for every single human being. 

A ticket out of Hell can cost you everything you have, or you can just ride the love train to your inner heaven for free!!!

Most people will pay for a ticket out of hell but won’t take a free trip to heaven…
…danny dummitt

I’m destined for lateness….

Does it seem you’re always running late, just a little behind, never on time no matter what?  Well Maybe you’re destine for lateness, which some people call divine time. See many people share a truth that you’re really never late for anything, you’re always right on time where ever you’re at whenever you get there. So if you’re always late, don’t worry, just tell people that your destined for lateness!!

I’m destined for lateness...
...danny dummitt 

The things you push against left you up…that’s why the Wright brothers learned to fly with the wind not against it...

Many times the very things we see as a problem is actually a solution in disguise. Take a long look and ponder what you’re pushing against in life, and ask yourself maybe instead of pushing against this I can flow with it, and it will life me up to a higher understanding...

The things you push against left you up…that’s why the Wright brothers learned to fly with the wind not against it...

…danny dummitt 

I am truly amazed...

I am truly amazed…you tell people they are God and they think you’re crazy…

...tell them there a worthless, unworthy sinner and they give you 10% of their income…. you tell me really…who is crazy??

…danny dummitt

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lest for the grand illusion of separation…we would know not love…

Lest for the grand illusion of separation…we would know not love…

…danny dummitt

One night stands are not about standing ...Any more that religion is about finding God…

One night stands are not about standing... 

Any more that religion is about finding God…

…danny dummitt

Were you created for the task? ...Or was the task created for you?

Many people believe that “God” has a preset plan and purpose for their life. That they were brought into this reality, this dream we call life with a mission to do, and the biggest thing goal is to first find the mission. I want to suggest something a bit different that divine energy wants YOU to decide what it is in life you want to be and accomplish, then the task are set out for you to help you achieve that very thing. In others words you were not created to come into this world to do anything. You came into this world and every else in your reality was sent for your purpose circumstance were sent for you, you were not sent for circumstance.
Were you created for the task?
Or was the task created for you?

…danny dummitt 

YOU are a magnet …what did you attract into your life today?

Two Identical pieces of steel, in every way shape and from they are the same. All the way down to the molecular structure. There simply is no difference between them.  Such is the same of man. We are all the same, right down to our molecular arrangement. Yet we are different, and so are the two Identical pieces of steel when you Magnetize one, you change the essence of the steel. just as you become magnetized my changing your vibration…ask yourself what did and am I drawing to myself. Just as a magnet, is not a magnet tell it is magnetized, you have already  been magnetized like it or not with positive or with negative magnetism.  YOUR draw your reality to you by your type of magnetism. You might not be able to see it any more that you can see the magnetism in a piece  of steel.  BUT you cannot deny its existence…
YOU are a magnet …what did you attract into  your life today?
   …danny dummitt 

You saved me from the ….”ness of reality”

You saved my soul from loneliness
You saved my heart from meaninglessness
You saved my love from incompleteness
You saved my mind from sadness
You saved my dreams from hopelessness
You saved my days from drabness
You saved my nights from bleakness
You saved my spirit from purposelessness
You saved my world from worthlessness
You saved my existence from purposelessness
You saved my life from emptiness
You saved my essence from unhappiness
You saved my smile from blankness
You saved my future from nothingness
You saved my reality from dullness
 …danny dummitt 

Monday, March 21, 2011

You don’t really discover who you are; you simple remember who you are..

You don’t really discover who you are; you simple remember who you are. Who were you and where were you before the moment of conception? That’s what you have forgotten. We spend our lives with the concept of discovering the real person, when we really are only remembering who we are, where we came from, and where were going.   When you smell a wonderful flower, you don’t at that moment discover you have a nose, you remember you have a nose. You really don’t discover your divine…you just remember it..

You don’t really discover who you are; you simple remember who you are..
…danny dummitt 

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Are you still living in denial, denial of who you really are? You are divine; you are Gods expression in human reality! Sometimes it is very easy to forget that, and at times even deny it to our very self. I tell people the worse state of denial to ever be in is Divine Denial!  When you remember who you are, and see others for who they really are, you will find that the state of Divine Denial occurs less and less…
…danny dummitt 

The ABC of abundance….by danny dummitt

Abundance realizes it is everywhere all the time for your well being 
Blessing is the only thing God want for you, and you know it
Compassion for all, first yourself then others
Dream and know all your dreams are possibilities
Energize yourself with likeminded people and spread the energy to the world
Feel s and knows that feeling is the secrets to creating your dreams
Gratitude …you create what your Thankful for
Hold the Highest vision for yourself daily
Invest in yourself
Joy is as powerful as faith
Knowledge remember ignorance is to be in lack
Laughter is the world’s strongest medication use it often  give it to others
Magnificence is your way of life, not an exception to the rule
Never believe for a second you’re less that splendid
Omnipresence God is always with you, you’re not in this alone, and you never have been
Presentence …stay with it, and you will win
Quiet your mind with daily meditations,  find the silence
Realize that you and no one else creates your reality
Suspend indefinitely putting yourself down, and selling yourself short
Think every day to thank because being thankful is powerful
Utilize all the tools that are available to you
Victories find one big or small every day in your life, they  will be there only look
Wow…look at your life and find the wow in every single day
eXuberance and eXcitement will lift your desires to a new level
Yield to the higher you
Zap yourself with the energy of love daily

NO YOU ARE NOT…only human … Any more than a caterpillar is just a caterpillar….

NO YOU ARE NOT…only human …
Any more than a caterpillar is just a caterpillar….
…..danny dummitt
People use there humanity as an excuse when things go  differently than we planned them to go, when we make a perceived error, we like to say, well I am not perfect I am only human. THAT IS A LIE…your humanity is minuscule compared to your DIVINITY!   Any more than a caterpillar is just a caterpillar….you are divinity’s expression!!! 

New Age...... a little history

The New Age movement is a non-religious Western spiritual movement that developed in the latter half of the 20th century. Its central precepts revolve around "drawing on both Eastern and Western spiritual and metaphysical traditions and then infusing them with influences from self-help and motivational psychology, holistic health, parapsychology, consciousness research and quantum physics".  It aims to create "a spirituality without borders or confining dogmas" that is inclusive and pluralistic.  Another of its primary traits is holding to "a holistic worldview, "thereby emphasizing that the Mind, Body and Spirit are interrelated and that there is a form of Oneness and unity throughout the universe. It further attempts to create "a worldview that includes both science and spirituality" and thereby embraces a number of forms of science and pseudoscience.
The origins of the movement can be found in the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly through the works of the esotericisms’ Emanuel Swedenborg, Franz Mesmer, Helena Blavatsky and George Gurdjieff, who laid some of the basic philosophical principles that would later influence the movement. It would gain further momentum in the 1960s, taking influence from metaphysics, self-help psychology, and the various Indian gurus who visited the West during that decade.]
The New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions ranging from atheism and monotheism through classical pantheism, naturalistic pantheism, and pantheism to polytheism combined with science and Gaia philosophy; particularly archaeoastronomy, astronomy, ecology, environmentalism, the Gaia hypothesis, psychology, and physics. New Age practices and philosophies sometimes draw inspiration from major world religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Chinese folk religion, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism; with strong influences from East Asian religions, Gnosticism, Neopaganism, New Thought, Spiritualism, Theosophy, Universalism, and Western esotericism

Your temper, not your situation is what creates your hell… ….danny dummitt

Your temper, not your situation is what creates your hell…danny dummitt 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What is Affirmative prayer..

Affirmative prayer is a form of prayer or a metaphysical technique that is focused on a positive outcome rather than a negative situation. For example, a person who is experiencing some form of illness would focus the prayer on the desired state of perfect health and affirm this desired intention "as if already happened" rather than identifying the illness and then asking God for help to eliminate it.

New Thought spirituality originated during the 1880s and has emphasized affirmative prayer as an essential part of its philosophy.[1] Practitioners among the various New Thought denominations Religious Science, Divine Science and Unity may also refer to this form of prayer by such names as "scientific prayer," "spiritual mind treatment" or, simply, "treatment.

Within New Thought organizations, centers and churches, the foundational logic of this form of prayer is based on the belief that God is unlimited and plays no favorites, that God has created spiritual laws that are both as mysterious and as constant as scientific principles like gravity, and thus, if one's prayer is correctly and diligently focused, it will be answered consistently.

The well-known Theosophist, Spiritualist, and New Thought poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox popularized the power of affirmative prayer. After the death of her husband Robert Wilcox, she wrote that she had tried in vain to communicate with his spirit, but only after she composed and recited the affirmative prayer, "I am the living witness: The dead live: And they speak through us and to us: And I am the voice that gives this glorious truth to the suffering world: I am ready, God: I am ready, Christ: I am ready, Robert," was she able to contact him by means of a Ouija board, an event she described in her 1918

Affirmative prayer with a Christian theme is a central practice of the loosely organized, decentralized Unity School of Christianity, initially named the Society of Silent Help founded by Charles Fillmore and Myrtle Fillmore in 1889

In Jewish Science

In the early 1900s, some in the American Jewish community were attracted to the teachings of Christian Science and the New Thought Movement, by the 1920s they were referring to their study by the term Jewish Science. A major figure in this movement was Morris Lichtenstein who together with his wife Tehilla Lichtenstein, published the Jewish Science Interpreter, a periodical featuring much of his own writing. Lichtentein found affirmative prayer to be particularly useful because, he believed that it provided the personal benefits of prayer without requiring the belief in a supernatural God who could suspend the laws of nature.[4] Lichtenstein considered that affirmative prayer is a method that can access inner power that could be considered divine, but not supernatural. He taught that the origins of affirmative prayer can be found in the Old Testament book of Psalms, and that affirmations, or affirmative prayer is best offered in silence.

In Hoodoo

Affirmative prayer is used by practitioners of African American hoodoo,[5] usually in conjunction with its opposite, which is called a prayer of removal. In this folk magic application of the technique, the prayer of removal may be said during a waning moon or at sunset or at ebb tide ("As the sun goes down, this disease is removed from my body") and the affirmative payer may be said during a waxing moon, at dawn, or at high tide ("As the sun rises, this day brings me perfect health").
The explanation for this application of affirmative prayer is that God has ordained laws of natural inflow and outflow, and that by linking one's prayer to a natural condition that prevails at the time, the prayer is given the added power of God's planned natural event.

In the self-help movement

William James described affirmative prayer as an element of the American metaphysical healing movement that he called the "mind-cure"; he described it as America's "only decidedly original contribution to the systemic philosophy of life.

What sets affirmative prayer apart from secular affirmations of the autosuggestion type taught by the 19th century self-help author  Émile Coué  (whose most famous affirmation was "Every day in every way, I am getting better and better") is that affirmative prayer addresses the practitioner to God, the Divine, the Creative Mind, emphasizing the seemingly practical aspects of religious belief.[8]
Some members of the self-help and self-improvement movements[who?] advocate affirmative prayer in addition to or instead of secular affirmations. The choice is largely an individual one, based on the beliefs of the practitioner.