Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Most people will pay for a ticket out of hell but won’t take a free trip to heaven…

I was setting in a park in Vancouver meditating  one day, and realized that we all go back to love when we die, and this life is the only hell we will truly know. It was a realization that came to me after many years of trying to do things in this life to buy or earn my way out of hell when I died.  Then I realized that I had no debt to pay, no work to perform. Nothing to be saved from, I was not lost, and did not need to be found. When I realized this for myself, I also realized it was true for every single human being. 

A ticket out of Hell can cost you everything you have, or you can just ride the love train to your inner heaven for free!!!

Most people will pay for a ticket out of hell but won’t take a free trip to heaven…
…danny dummitt