Friday, March 18, 2011

You don’t acquire grace because you do good works; you do good works because you acquired grace …

You don’t acquire grace because you do good works; you do good works because you acquired grace
…danny dummitt 

Faith does not require religion…

Faith does not require religion…
…danny dummitt

So why is gratitude important?

So why is gratitude important?
Just for a minute, think of all the things you are grateful for, such as, loving friends, partners and family, pets who love you unconditionally, good health, great holidays you’ve had, as well as everyday items such as a comfortable home, electricity, TV, fridge, and clean water when you turn on the tap. The list, in fact, could go on and on.
So how does that make you feel when you think of all these things? Doesn’t it make you feel good?
Now focus on events that have made you unhappy or dissatisfied – it’s raining, the car won’t start, a work colleague irritates you, you have a head cold. You start to feel grumpy and resentful, and that is something that certainly does not feel good – in fact it feels bad!
So which would you prefer? To feel good? Or to feel bad?
It’s a straightforward choice and we have the ability to choose how we feel. But for most of us, it just doesn’t seem as easy as that – isn’t the world out to get us? Well, no, it isn’t actually, it’s just our perception of how things are.
Let me give you an example: it’s a wet, rainy day, and immediately most people will start to complain, tell everyone who will listen what a miserable day it is, with the result that they end up feeling miserable themselves.
But look at it another way and despite wet clothes and hair, both will dry perfectly well and no lasting harm has been done. And in addition to this, because of rain, we not only live in a green and beautiful landscape, we are able to grow an abundance of fruit and vegetables.
There really is no obvious reason for feeling miserable – in fact there is a great deal to be grateful for. It’s all to do with how we perceive things. We need to alter our perceptions – our view of how the world is and how things affect us. And if we can do that, then we can start to feel gratitude and as a consequence, start to feel good!
So here are a few suggestions to help you get started:
- It’s important to realise that there is a Law of Gratitude just as there is a Law of Attraction – cause and effect: the more we are grateful, the more we attract to be grateful for.
- Make a list of everything you take for granted in your life, and be grateful for them – clean water, electricity, telephones, computers, transport systems, rain, health, clothes, family, friends, work.
- Start looking at the good in your life – see what’s right instead of what’s wrong.
- Learn to be grateful for mistakes – see them as opportunities to learn and grow.
- Smile and say ‘thank you’ to as many people as you can each day – the postman, supermarket cashier, bus driver, the car driver who lets you into the queue of traffic.
- Send a ‘thank you’ note to someone who has helped you, even in a small way – make this a habit and your appreciation will grow.
- Take a moment to appreciate the world around you – a sunset, a flock of birds, trees, blue skies, and the fact that the sun gets up every morning!
- At the end of each day make a gratitude list – a list of all the things that have happened today that have made you smile and cheered you up: write down at least five, but aim for ten.
Realise that the more you concentrate on gratitude and seeing the good in everythingArticle Submission, the more you will be surrounded and blessed with wonderful things to be grateful for.
Realise what a difference having gratitude can make to your life. That’s why gratitude is so special – use it to feel good!

Shame is just so overrated…

Shame is just so overrated…
…danny dummitt

The Good news is the Bad news was Wrong…

The Good news is the Bad news was Wrong…
…danny dummitt

Spirituality is not about finding and accepting God…It is about finding and accepting the real divine YOU…

Spirituality is not about finding and accepting God…It is about finding and accepting the real divine YOU…danny dummitt

Love is the loudest sound that you will NEVER hear…

Love is the loudest sound that you will NEVER hear…
….danny dummitt

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of attraction is a deceptively simple philosophy by which we can live life on our own terms and attract things, experiences and people to us. In the simplest possible terms, the Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like." This is evident in the world around us -- think about old sayings like, "birds of a feather flock together," or "tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are."

But the Law of Attraction takes the concept of "like attracts like" to a deeper level: the level of thought. This means that not only do we attract circumstances, material objects and people to us according to our actions, but also according to the thoughts we consistently hold in mind. This too can be seen on a commonsense level.

For example, it is obvious that people who succeed in business spend a great deal more time thinking about business success than people who do not do well in business, and the Law of Attraction explains why this is true.

On a deeper level, the Law of Attraction is based on the concept that everything in the universe is simply energy. Over the past century, scientists have begun to understand this fact as well, and especially within the field of quantum physics, there is now an understanding that all material "things" are actually just energy vibrating at a certain frequency.

This means that energy vibrating at one frequency takes on the appearance of a tree; energy vibrating at another frequency takes the appearance of a person, or a car, or a blade of grass, or anything else that exists. Don't misunderstand: this is not science fiction or "new age" spiritualism. It is real science being conducted by real scientist in laboratories every single day.

Just like everything else in the universe, our thoughts are "things" too. This means that our thoughts have power and the concepts we consistently keep in mind DO affect us. Again, this can be seen on a very commonsense level. If you grew up in a home where you were told you were inferior to other people every single day of your life, do you think by the time you were grown you would have a poor self image?

Of course you would, because you had been presented with this information over and over and over, and it has become your habitual way of thinking. But even in this extreme circumstance, you are still not a victim. You always have a choice what you choose to think, regardless of what other people may say or do, or what you see going on in the world around you.

Of course it can be difficult to think good things about yourself, when all you ever hear are bad things, but you can still do it -- get just takes more concentration and focus. At the end of the day, you are always responsible for your thoughts -- so am I, and so is everyone else.

This idea scares some people -- they really don't want to be responsible for their lives or their thoughts. But in fact, it is actually great news. The fact that only YOU are responsible for your life means that YOU are in control. You can create it anyway you want it, or as I often like to say, "It is what I say it is." This is not egotism -- this is taking responsibility for your life, and once you reach this point, the Law of Attraction begins working for you instead of against you.

Now let's break all of these ideas down and apply them to your day to day life. Understanding the Law of Attraction means understanding that you are NEVER a victim. You attract everything that comes into your life -- both good and bad. This can be difficult to accept at first for some people. After all, none of us want to face up to the idea that we have attracted a bad situation, person or experience into our life. But the truth is -- we do.

This is the first concept that must be clearly understood in order to use the Law of Attraction to create the life YOU want. You must take responsibility for everything, and everyone in your life, with the understanding that you have attracted these things by virtue of your thoughts.

So does this mean that you have to closely monitor your thoughts, and be ultra careful what you think about every day and night? No, not exactly. But it does mean that you should pay special attention to the things that are "on your radar" on a daily basis. You see, it is your PREDOMINANT way of thinking that determines what is attracted to you.

For example, if you occasionally think about poverty and poverty-stricken people, but you're PREDOMINANT mindset is one of wealth and abundance, you can expect to attract a lot more abundance and wealth into your life than poverty. This may sound like a ridiculous oversimplification, but it is absolutely true. The more you think about a thing, the more you attract that thing to you.

And it doesn't matter if the thing you are thinking about is something you want or not. For example if you have a friend or loved one with a disease, you might begin to spend a lot of time thinking about that disease. This would be a very poor choice to make, because anything that you think about consistently will move closer to you in your life. In other words it will be attracted to you.

The great psychologist, and originator of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dr Albert Ellis, is famous for saying, "We become what we think about." This is the simplest way of explaining how the Law of Attraction works and how you should organize your life -- and your thoughts -- to create the life that YOU desire, the life that only you can create.

Unfortunately, we lived in a world where the Law of Attraction is not understood well at all. Every day, well-meaning people focus their attention upon horrible things, things they do not want in their life, things they want to fight against, or to do away with. The problem is, by doing this they simply attract more of these things into the world.

Mother Teresa understood this concept well, and when she was asked to participate in an anti-war rally, she flatly refused, saying, "I will never attend an anti-war rally -- call me when you have a pro peace rally and I'll be there." Mother Teresa understood that our attention and our thoughts have power, and anything (whether good or bad) that we give our attention to will grow stronger and become a bigger part of our lives.

To summarize, to work with the Law of Attraction it is important to remember that you are NEVER a victim -- you have attracted everything and everyone in your life by virtue of your habitual way of thinking. Understanding this will lead you to the obvious conclusion that it is of the utmost importance that you pay attention to what you allow "on your radar." This means making it a point to never focus on things that you do not want. To do so is to simply attract more of these things into your life.

And finally, working with the Law of Attraction means understanding that above all else, you are a CREATOR. You create your own reality, and you co-create the reality of others. This means that if there are our people or situations in your life that you are not happy with, it is up to you (and only you) to change them. No one else can create in your experience -- only you can do that, and the process always begins with a single thought.

Thoughts are the building blocks of your reality. It begins with a single positive thought, focused with a laser-like precision on a thing you desire to have in your life. That single positive thought expands attracting more positive thoughts, which expands and attracts even more positive thoughts, which expands, and so on, and so on.

This is what is meant by the expression, "The more you feel good, the more you WILL feel good." Every good thought and emotion attracts to it at another good thought and emotion, and pretty soon you have an avalanche of positive thought and emotion running through your life, attracting only the best the universe has to offer.

Remember, using the Law of Attraction is all about using the power of your own thoughts. Everything begins with the thought -- there is no building, business or even relationship that did not begin with a single thought. Understanding the power of your habitual way of thinking, and taking responsibility for it, will help you create a life of unimaginable beauty, abundance and success. And the method by which this happens is known as The Law of attraction

“In forgiveness your enemy is defeated …

“In forgiveness your enemy is defeated
….danny dummitt

Wherever I am I belong…

Wherever I am I belong…
…danny dummitt

Every unkind act is a call for love

Every unkind act is a call for love…
….danny dummitt

Love feels and sees things from a totally different perspective….

Love feels and sees things from a totally different perspective….
…..danny dummitt 

Take yourself lightly and your troubles won’t seem so heavy …

Take yourself lightly and your troubles won’t seem so heavy …
…..danny  dummitt 

God does not know limitation..

God does not know limitation…so he sees not yours because they are a myth
God only loves unconditionally….that how She loves you…. Without any “ifs” “ands” or “buts”
God has never made a mistake …even if at times you believe that of yourself
…..danny dummitt..

My angels name is love

My angels name is love
She comes as no surprise
For I have always known her
Since eternities sun rise

My angels name is love
She holds me in her wings
For in my darkest hours
In my ear she softy sings

My angels name is love
She is always by my side
For even if from the world
I want to run and hide

My angels name is love
I whisper it softly
For she can never leave
Because she is a part of me

My angels name is love
I think perhaps yours is too
For she ask for me to write
And send this poem to you…….

Danny Dummitt

Fear is the Fare to Freedom…

Fear is the Fare to Freedom…
If your going to pay a fare , pay fear, get it out, and when the fear leaves the freedom will rush in and take its place in your reality called life 
…danny dummitt  

Your life can be a sad country song..

Your life can be a sad country song..
An endless love song
A worried blues song
An upbeat pop song
Or a trumpet victory song…
It’s all up to you
Because YOU are the conductor of YOUR own song…
…danny dummitt