Sunday, April 3, 2011

My own personal acronym for SIN is this “Separation Is Nonsense”

What is SIN really?  Ask that question to a few people and you will get a few different answers I am sure. Some will say it means to do bad things. Some will say it is to break one of Gods laws. Some will tell you that sin really means to miss the mark, kind of like an archer misses the center of a target.  Some will say Sin separates you from God (which my truth tells me separation from God is impossible because God is Omnipotent present) my personal definition is Sin is anything you do that separates you from love of self!!  
It is a powerful realization that SIN is something you do against yourself, not Against God. It separates you from loving yourself, but not from God loving you.
My own personal acronym for SIN is this “Separation Is Nonsense”
Sin does not separate you from God, you might believe that, but that a LIE and my personal acronym for LIE is LIFE IN ERROR...
Don’t live a “ life IN Error” (LIE)…and know that SIN  is “Simply Inaccurate Notions “

Fear always lives in an uncertain future...

Every fear that you have is about the future. Really think about that, you don’t fear things that happened in the past and you don’t fear about what is going on right NOW in the HERE. IF you have fear it is about some uncertainly about what’s going to happen. Fear always lives in an uncertain future…but you can live in certain now!
…danny dummitt