Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lest for the grand illusion of separation…we would know not love…

Lest for the grand illusion of separation…we would know not love…

…danny dummitt

One night stands are not about standing ...Any more that religion is about finding God…

One night stands are not about standing... 

Any more that religion is about finding God…

…danny dummitt

Were you created for the task? ...Or was the task created for you?

Many people believe that “God” has a preset plan and purpose for their life. That they were brought into this reality, this dream we call life with a mission to do, and the biggest thing goal is to first find the mission. I want to suggest something a bit different that divine energy wants YOU to decide what it is in life you want to be and accomplish, then the task are set out for you to help you achieve that very thing. In others words you were not created to come into this world to do anything. You came into this world and every else in your reality was sent for your purpose circumstance were sent for you, you were not sent for circumstance.
Were you created for the task?
Or was the task created for you?

…danny dummitt 

YOU are a magnet …what did you attract into your life today?

Two Identical pieces of steel, in every way shape and from they are the same. All the way down to the molecular structure. There simply is no difference between them.  Such is the same of man. We are all the same, right down to our molecular arrangement. Yet we are different, and so are the two Identical pieces of steel when you Magnetize one, you change the essence of the steel. just as you become magnetized my changing your vibration…ask yourself what did and am I drawing to myself. Just as a magnet, is not a magnet tell it is magnetized, you have already  been magnetized like it or not with positive or with negative magnetism.  YOUR draw your reality to you by your type of magnetism. You might not be able to see it any more that you can see the magnetism in a piece  of steel.  BUT you cannot deny its existence…
YOU are a magnet …what did you attract into  your life today?
   …danny dummitt 

You saved me from the ….”ness of reality”

You saved my soul from loneliness
You saved my heart from meaninglessness
You saved my love from incompleteness
You saved my mind from sadness
You saved my dreams from hopelessness
You saved my days from drabness
You saved my nights from bleakness
You saved my spirit from purposelessness
You saved my world from worthlessness
You saved my existence from purposelessness
You saved my life from emptiness
You saved my essence from unhappiness
You saved my smile from blankness
You saved my future from nothingness
You saved my reality from dullness
 …danny dummitt