Friday, March 25, 2011

the myth of salvation, is that you were never lost, you have never been separate from Love…

Salvation is none existent because there in nothing to be saved from.  People standing in a desert don’t need saved from drowning in the ocean.  There is no hell in the afterlife to be saved from.  The only “real salvation from Hell” Is the realization that you are already perfect in Gods eyes, and the “living hell” you live in as part of your life’s experience and can be changed to a state of Heaven at any time.  This life is the valley of the shadow of death, but fear no evil for you are never separate from love...there is nothing to be saved from except …the myth of salvation, is that you were never lost, you have never been separate from Love…
…danny dummitt

Don’t ever underestimate yourself…God doesn’t

God only sees your possibilities. For that’s what divine energy is, never ending, forever expanding possibilities. Humans have a tendency to sell them self’s short. They underestimate themselves endlessly. If you could see yourself as God sees you, you would never underestimate yourself again...

Don’t ever underestimate yourself…God doesn't … danny dummitt 

God is without condition…

Definition of CONDITION -  a premise upon which the fulfillment of an agreement depends, it’s a stipulation.  People might tell you a million ways, a million stipulations and conditions to get to God, there all meaningless. For God is without stipulation, there is nothing you can do to get God to accept you, because he has never rejected you in the first place

God is without condition…

…danny dummitt

All untruth spring from one untruth….separation…

There truly is only one untruth in this reality. That is the belief we are separate from God and from each other.  That belief creates fear and all negative believes that can be traced back to that one emotion, that one perception called fear.. There truly is only two emotions in this reality, love and fear.  Love tells you that you are one with God; Fear tells you that you are separate from God.  Fear lies to you, and makes you believe the only real untruth and from that untruth all other untruth spring…
All untruth spring from one untruth….separation…
…danny dummitt 

All you ever really need to learn in life can be taught to you by a child and his dog...

One of the greatest examples of unconditional love is between a child and a pet. They live in the moment of NOW; they find endless joy in the simplest of things.  They have not learned yet how to be unhappy, all they know is happiness and joy.  Feeling depressed? Spend a day at your local Dog park, and see for yourself if the energy of that love,  that magic doesn’t lift you higher, and remind you that..
  All you ever really need to learn in life can be taught to you by a child and his dog...
...danny dummitt

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day….there is some truth in all religious paths..

I have studied, observed and participated in endless religious traditions in my life. Each one relived truths to me that I carry to this day.  Sure I found many things about many of them I disagreed with, many things did not resonant with me spiritually. Yet when I looked for the truths, I found them. I remembered what someone told me once; they said any one can be right at times, why even a stopped clock is right two times a day.    Look for the truths in other peoples believes , you will find, even if most of what they believe you don’t, you will find some truth, some enlightenment in their view of reality.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day….there is some truth in all religious paths..
…danny dummitt

Don’t follow roads create them….

A road always means someone else, in fact many some one else’s have already went that way. A path shows you’re not the first to go there. Someone else has been there, done that and got the t-shirt.  We follow roads built by others not only physically, but emotionally and well as spiritually, and in all areas of our life. We follow another’s road to God, another’s Road to happiness, many times to only find it dead ends before we have arrived at the destination.  Because it was another road, perhaps we may never arrive

I was to suggest to you, to try it differently, be your own spiritual and emotional pioneer and create your own roads in life, for truly at the end of your own road you will find your own destination. Don’t follow roads create them….
…danny dummitt