Thursday, March 24, 2011

Energize yourself with like-minded people and spread that energy to the world…

I have always noticed, that when someone brings home a new baby, even if I don’t know the people or the baby that well, that I get all enthusiastic like all the rest do. I have been to funerals with friends of people that I really didn’t know, but felt really sad when I left, because everyone else there was very said.  I have been to sporting events, where I did not care who was playing, but got all excited for the team who’s fans I was setting with.  I am sure you also have experienced very similar situations in your life.  The  people around you energize you, BUT some times that energy might not be the energy you always want.  SO surround yourself with likeminded people. With people you want to be like. People you are  glad to call your friends. The more you surround yourself and get that great type of energy from others, and become super energized yourself, you then will energize other people around you and help make the world you live in a much more positive energized place!
Energize yourself with like-minded people and spread that energy to the world…
…danny dummitt